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[Dec. 4th, 2008|03:21 pm]
"She was a generous person," Haruichi remembered. Generous with her time, her energy and her opinion. Hinaji had admired her for the latter most of all. "And an excellent medic." A fact his continued existence attested to. The scar Genma had stared in shock at a few nights ago had been familiar to Yumiko back when it was new.

A flicker of Yumiko's stern half-frown passed through Haruichi's memory then, causing him to quietly blink it back to the past (not that Genma had ever made that easy, but that was a reflection for another time). Pouring out the tea for the three of them he glanced to Hoshi - who was cheerily munching on her own cookie and clearly enjoying Genma's happiness at the advent of food. The two of them were munching happily, sipping tea, and Haruichi watched them for a very long second.

It was a moment grounded rather spectacularly in the present, even as Genma reminisced about the far past, and Haruichi felt that fact oddly strongly for that moment. A strained pull at the edges of his chest, and a harder beat of his heart. The tattoo scabbing on his arm stung slightly, and he knew then that this was all just because he was being reminded that he was alive. Dragging the whole damnable mission up again and topping that with Genma's shrieking concern and admonishments had reinforced how lucky he was to have survived his first mission as an ANBU.

Hoshi smiled, and scribbled out something for Genma on a scrap of paper - sticking that into his hand when he reached for another cookie. Haruichi watched her eyes flare bright and didn't have to remind himself that he wasn't the only one who was lucky he'd come back.
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