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[Nov. 25th, 2008|04:55 pm]
Having sensed that this was a conversation it was handy to be deaf during, Hoshi had put her focus on preparing and pouring the tea - pausing only to glance at Haruichi's face once in a while to see if anything Shiranui-san was saying had any effect. Beside her, Pika growled at Genma for making a racket... or possibly for caring about Haruichi. Either way, it was barely audible and ceased altogether when her mistress petted her head.

Haruichi, though, wasn't about to be cowed. "All you know is how to pitch a fit, Genma. I went to get Kakashi - just like I'd go to get any of you, being that that is my job - and there was trouble. There is always trouble. I--" He glanced to Hoshi, who looked right back, orange eyes wise to what he was about to say. She gave a soft sigh, signed that 'oh, she had forgotten they had some cookies', and excused herself to wander to the embryonic kitchenette and 'look for things'.

Her fiance quickly took advantage of the offered opportunity, turning to Genma with an edge in his voice that his factual tone didn't disguise.

"I had to kill three Mist shinobi and wound up getting stabbed in the arm. Before that I had a thoroughly trying time keeping Kakashi alive, and that was before we nearly drowned in the subterranean whirlpool cast upon us by the dozen or so enemy nins looking for him. Oh, that was right."

Haruichi's hand whipped out and whacked Genma right across the forehead, just like he'd promised himself he'd get to do. "Just so you know, my armour did not double as a life vest like you suggested it would and it really would have been helpful if it had."
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