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[Nov. 25th, 2008|04:40 pm]
Haruichi's foot twitched as he blinked awake, having been fool enough to nod off while he stared at his newspaper. He blinked again, then shoved his glasses up over his brow and glared at the door - which was sounding off like a drum-kit. Beside him Pika roused sharply and nudged Hoshi to let her know somebody was at the door, prompting her to meet Haruichi's eyes curiously and all three of them to look at the door.

Another rattle of knocks fell on the door and Haruichi sighed once before setting the paper aside and getting to his feet. A few strides later and he'd crossed the small and empty living room, and unhooked the lock.

Then, without even having to use the byakugan he knew who was on the other side of the door. Just knew.

Nevertheless, he opened it anyway.

"Is the building on fire?" he inquired levelly, looking up at Genma inquiringly. "A stampede of buffalo are on their way, perhaps? And you have come to warn us with your urgent hammering upon our door?"
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