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[Nov. 25th, 2008|04:39 pm]

By the time Genma turned in his and Raidou's overdue mission reports, and made sure Tsume and Kuromaru were at least alive and somewhat well, he'd been home three days. Well technically three days, although only one was a day where he was awake much. While he was down turning in mission reports and getting his dog-bitten leg and chakra-drained body poked, prodded and inspected, he'd chanced to ask where Haruichi was. Hospital, the medic on duty in the infirmary had told him. Or maybe home on leave. Anyway he got himself screwed up on a mission.

So it was that the next morning, after a leisurely lie in, a breakfast of raw egg over steamed rice, three cups of tea, and some cursing and wincing as he donned his clothes and tried to stretch out a little, Genma headed over to the fine apartments Haruichi and his girlfriend inhabited. He did them the courtesy of showing up in non-threatening civvies--a pair of loose-fit jeans and a too-big pink hoodie--though he wore his hitai-ate, and there were more than a few weapons secreted in those innocuous-looking clothes. And he went to the front door like a polite, well-brought-up young man. Knocked twice sharply, followed it with a staccato burst of three.

Of course he didn't plan on using much polite language, once he managed to get in there. Haruichi's damn tattoo was still scabbed and new, for fuck's sake. He had been back in ANBU what? Twelve hours? Before he had disobeyed the single rule Genma had set out for him as a rookie--Don't go getting yourself killed.

There were definitely some serious words needing to be had with the idiot Hyuuga.

Genma knocked again.
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