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[Sep. 16th, 2008|10:37 pm]

"As soon as I can think straight," Raidou muttered in a strained undertone. The urge to get up and touch Kaito--to try and reassure him in some way was almost physical. He could feel the kid's anxiety, rolling off him in waves.

Genjutsu. But completely different.

So a Kai, then--but no. He couldn't do that without hurting the kid, and the thought of throwing pain on top of that feeling was enough to make Raidou nauseous.

But there were other ways to break genjutsu. Pain for one.

Pretty severe pain.

"Oh, hell," Raidou grunted, and snapped the suture-thread with a rough jerk. The anaesthesia stopped him from feeling anything there, but it did exactly nothing when he stabbed the needle into the back of his forearm and yanked it up.

Nerves flared. Blood trickled down his wrist. And something in his chest went snap.

It was exactly like a genjutsu breaking; the feeling lashed back on itself and vanished, leaving clarity in its wake. Raidou sighed with relief and dropped the needle onto the table. His head followed suit as he leaned forward and braced on his unhurt arm. "I'm supposed to be your--" he fumbled for a word. "Guardian. For the foreseeable future. Personally, I think we're off to a smashing start."
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