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[Sep. 16th, 2008|10:21 pm]

Raidou was halfway through getting some very bad news when he felt the now-familiar tug on his heart. "Oh hell," he muttered, and banged his head very gently on the padded table he was braced against.

The medic behind him paused mid-stitch. "Everything okay?"

The Intel woman--the same lady he'd seen pre-mission, in fact--flapped a hand and interrupted before he could answer. "Never mind that, I need to know if you'll do it."

Raidou took a slow breath, inhaling warm plastic fumes before he replied. "Do I actually have a choice?"

The Intel woman smiled that same thin-lipped smile, though now he couldn't see it. "Not as such, no."

"Screw me to the wall," he muttered under his breath. "Yeah, sure, why not? It's not like ANBU doesn't have enough thrills of its own." He pushed back, ignoring the medic's aborted yelp of annoyance, and grabbed a non-sticky medical pad to hold over his back. A slight tickle around waistband level informed him the curved surgical needle was still dangling from a thread; he ignored that, too. "I'll be right back. Just need to deal with the kid in question."

The Intel woman frowned. "Why, what--" she paused and pressed a hand to her chest. "Oh. Oh my. Is that him?"

"The one and only. Be right back." Hopefully it was nothing. But the kid wasn't exactly in the best place to get gang-hugged right now. Raidou padded quickly out of his room, grateful the medic had administered a strong local before he'd started to stitch anything, and pushed into Kaito's room with only a quick knock to announce his presence.

"Ah," he said quietly, taking in the scene. "Doc, you want to step back before I have to do something unpleasant? Like break your arm."
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