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[Sep. 16th, 2008|09:21 pm]

Cynical kid.

Raidou got carefully to his feet again and studied the figure cut out in monochrome before him. It was the funny thing about ANBU's armour; no matter how young the warrior, they still looked old enough to kill.

Probably something to do with the shoulders.

He knocked his mask back into place and tipped his head. "Yeah, I've heard that," he said. "'Course, I've also heard that we drink blood, eat bones, and dance naked in the moonlight three days out of seven. That last I don't really recommend--you ever stood on a vengeful rock at four AM? Not fun."

He turned and headed off at a swift, ground-eating lope. A few rough steps jarred his back, then he managed to find a smooth pace that was blessedly close to non-painful. "But here's the thing you want to think about. If one of us is turning around and back-biting, how long d'you think the rest stand for it?"

Sometimes you had to. If that Hatake kid went rabid, it'd be a while before the village saw fit to put him down. But ANBU members weren't exactly helpless, even against one of their own.

A dry smile curved behind Raidou's mask. "'sides, Intel's not exactly stupid enough to send a rapist out on a rescue mission. If you're important enough to get saved, you're important enough to bring back in one piece. I'd hope."
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