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Fallen Leaves

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[Sep. 16th, 2008|04:45 pm]

He hadn't missed the aborted move to get up, and the consequent relaxing back. Translocating yourself this far wasn't easy--much less with a passenger. He settled in, changed his mind, and crouched instead of sitting.

He thought about where they were, and figured out a basic idea of where he'd find his clothes. Not far, really. That was nice.

"I dunno," he said with a shrug. "Normal chuunin stuff, I guess. I mean--nothing extra fancy." He picked at the hem of his shiny shirt. "I'm pretty good at wearing shiny pants, too." Offering a small smile, he stood. "And I'm great at getting my stuff. Gimme two seconds, okay? It's not far."

And then he could change without someone looking over his shoulder. Even better.
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