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[Sep. 16th, 2008|04:38 pm]

Raidou flicked a look over the teenager, ignoring the way his own emotions kept jumping, and concentrated on body language. No twitches, no glance away; the kid wasn't looking left--an indicator that he was creating, rather than remembering--and he'd answered quick without being too quick...

That and the fact that he wasn't a bleeding, blubbering wreck supported his story.

Raidou nodded once. "Good. Great, in fact. Now take a breath." He gathered his chakra into a quick, hard knot, shaped his fingers through a flickering set of seals--

At the end of the hallway a door blew in. A man charged through the smoke, low light glinting on drawn steel. "Shinobi!"

"Easter bunny!" Raidou yelled back, and grabbed Kaito's shoulders.

Energy lashed out. They both vanished.
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