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[Sep. 16th, 2008|03:35 pm]

The place was soundproofed. The rattle of explosions had been stronger than anything else, had shook the walls and the floor, but after that...

Nothing happened.

It seemed an eternity stretching, Kaito's mind racing as he tried to think of anything useful to do. His weapons were gone. His hands were bound.

He decided then and there that being captive was far worse than getting mauled. His stomach knotted, twisting anxiety through him.

The kunoichi glanced away from the door, back at him.

He looked at her, looked down, and remembered his jounin sensei. "Think of kicking puppies, would you? If people are going to notice you, at least do it on purpose!"

He started thinking of kicking puppies. Of the way Taka's breath had smelled, like sour wine and old sweat. Of the way that other guard had looked at him as they'd gotten him out and down, of knowing that he was about to be hurt, badly, of wondering if he was going to survive this at all--

The kunoichi turned to look at him fully. He wondered how long he was going to have to keep this up.
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