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[Jul. 5th, 2008|05:52 pm]

"Two klicks north-north-west," Ryouma said proudly, pointing in the general direction they'd been heading before Kakashi woke up and went homicidal. "Did you get done already? What were you doing? How come he needed a babysitter for just an hour?" He sneered at Kakashi.

"I can burst your appendix, too," Hitomi reminded him. "With far less risk of paperwork."

"And a lot more effort than it'd take with the kid," he shot back. "I thought you wanted to get out of the rain."

"I'd rather leave you in it," his sensei murmured, but she activated the Byakugan with a shimmer of chakra and a pulse of veins. "North-north-west," she confirmed, with a flicker of surprise and pride. "Maybe you're worth keeping around after all."

Ryouma glowed.

And jumped, as lightning seared down from the sky to stab at a pine tree towering above the rest. The tree blazed for a moment of incandescent splendor. One side slowly peeled away and crashed down, smashing a smaller tree below it. "Safe house," Hitomi decided. She touched the scroll-pouch over her breast, and her white gaze met Minato's blue. "Both of our teams are going to need as much rest as we can get."
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