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[Jul. 5th, 2008|05:51 pm]

"I was gone for an hour," said a warm voice behind Hitomi's elbow. "What damage could he possibly have done in that time?"

Kakashi staggered, knees buckling. Something blurred. A strong hand caught him across the chest before he fell. "Sensei?" He twisted to look up, trying to see through rain and the plastered mess of his own hair.

Minato gave him a wry grin. "Actually, I'm not all that sure I want to know. You realize that running around with enough chakra to almost power a lightbulb is a phenomenally stupid idea, right?"

Kakashi blinked once and grabbed both hands tight around the arm holding him up, fingers digging past wet cloth into warm skin. Familiar scent, as welcome as sunshine, wrapped around him.

"And I don't even mean a big lightbulb," Minato continued, hauling him back to his feet. "You're working at around an ant's calibre. If that. Are you trying to put yourself six feet under? Because I can assure you, there's a whole country of Iwa-nin that'd happily do the job for you."

Kakashi managed to stand up. This time he didn't try and pull away. "You were--" he glared vaguely at everyone, not quite sure who to be angry with first. "You left. And--and he insulted my parents."

Minato's eyebrows swept up. "Gosh," he said, and dropped his free hand on Kakashi's shoulder, letting him lean back to steady himself. Chakra shimmered in his hands, leeching though Kakashi's soaked clothes into his skin. "Well, I hope you kicked his shins."

"Shuddup, sensei."

The rain swept up and thundered down, almost drowning out Minato's laugh. He lifted his head and gave both Hitomi and her student a water-slick smile. "You were saying something about a safe house?"
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