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Fallen Leaves

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[Jul. 5th, 2008|05:41 pm]

Kakashi groaned himself awake when some miserable individual took it upon themselves to throw him in a river. A river with rocks in. He cracked one eye open and flinched when pain sharded through his head.

Wrong eye.

He closed his left and tried the right. For a moment, nothing but a blurry watercolour met his vision. He blinked, grunted when something jogged hard under his sternum, and tried to see. He was moving--

Wait, water?

Kakashi jerked up and realized three things at once. One, it was raining. Two, the bastard chuunin was carrying him somewhere. And three, he hurt like hell.

Priorities first.

He dragged a lead-heavy hand up and jabbed the man in the first place he could reach. "Pu' me down."
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