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[Jul. 5th, 2008|05:35 pm]

Even exhausted to the point of burn-out, the Hatake kid was still a ninja. Still a jounin, which would have meant a lot more if he weren't small, thin, and shaking like an addict in withdrawal. Ryouma's fingers still went numb where Kakashi's foot smashed them, and he jerked his head back just barely far enough to avoid another broken nose. He gasped with pain, swore, and tackled the kid's knees.

Kakashi twisted like an eel. Ryouma sat on him.

"I," he panted, "told your sensei I'd look after you. And I told my sensei, who'll explode both our livers if I let you get away. Believe me, kid, you don't want Sensei mad at you. She'll..." He struggled to think of anything horrible enough to daunt a boy who lived on the battlefield. Hell, Kakashi didn't look any older than Kenichi had been when Ryouma successfully terrorized him; maybe the same threats would work on him. "She'll watch you in the bath."
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