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[Jul. 5th, 2008|05:13 pm]

Minato glanced at the sky, eyes narrowing as he studied distant clouds. "As long as those hold," he said finally. "He'll be fine with your boy, if Ryouma-kun's willing to sit on him occasionally." He flashed a wry smile at both teenagers.

Kakashi glared at him with both eyes.

Minato settled back on his heels slightly, and shook off the feeling of staring down two students at once. He looked at Hitomi again and bowed with a smile. "And I'm desperately sorry to send your fabulous self away at the last moment, but you clearly have no need for beauty sleep."

Kakashi snorted.

Minato flicked him a grin and dropped a hand on his head, ruffling dirty hair briefly before Kakashi could duck away. "Be good. Don't kill anyone on our side."

Kakashi gaped at him, eyes widening. "I would never--"

But Minato was already wincing. "I didn't mean..." he sighed and squeezed Kakashi's thin shoulder. "My foot likes to live in my mouth. Ignore me, kid. And stay safe."

For a moment, Kakashi's fingers caught his and tightened, then he stepped quickly away.

Minato looked at him for a moment, with a smile that was slightly softer, before he turned with all his usual energy and held a hand out to Ryouma. "Second time lucky. It was a pleasure to meet you, Ryouma-kun." His grin broadened again. "Best of luck with Kakashi. Don't take your eyes off him."
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