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[Jul. 5th, 2008|04:57 pm]

"Present!" said Minato brightly, skidding to a gentle halt in a shower of leaves. He grinned at Hitomi. "Hyuuga-san! You look as radiant and annoyed as ever. I'd kiss your hand, but my delightful former student might take the opportunity to kick my head off."

Somewhere roughly shoulderblade level, Kakashi cursed quietly. Minato patted his back gently and ignored the subvocal threat.

"And this must be your student," he continued, casting an appraising look over the rangy teenager by Hitomi's elbow. Dark, handsome in a young sort of way, with big hands and feet that promised further growth. He already topped his teacher by a few inches.

And Minato by at least one, he worked out with a grin.

He stuck out the hand not being used to keep Kakashi in place. "Tousaki Ryouma, right? Pleased to meet you. I've heard good things--yowch!"

Kakashi jerked around and managed to crack a second elbow into the back of Minato's head. "Put me down. Before I do something worse." Under a layer of red mud, his cheeks flushed delicately green. "Like throw up on you."
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