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[Jul. 1st, 2008|05:52 am]

"You just seemed... close, is all."

They were having one of those MANLY conversations. Tsume eyed them both, and handed the cue to the jounin.

Then she noticed the smell. She clapped a hand over her nose and glared at him. He smiled back. She stepped away. "I am not having sex with you," she said through her fingers.

The chuunin looked alarmed, then glared at his friend. "Masami!"

"I didn't say nothing!" Masami reeled back.

"He just stinks." Tsume took another step and shoved the cue at Raidou. She drained the rest of her beer, faked a stagger as she set it down, and reeled toward the bar. A glance back told her Raidou hadn't finished his monstrosity. She didn't offer to get him another, but she did buy two beers.

"She, um..." The chuunin smiled at Raidou. "Does she always drink like this? And, you know, given we've just won--" he glanced toward the table. Tsume had been hitting their balls into the pockets. "--we'll give you a too-many drinks handicap. Say, two balls?"

"Two balls." Masami giggled.
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