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[May. 16th, 2008|08:21 pm]

Which probably translated to 'shut up, and stop asking awkward questions'. Haruichi seemed to say that a lot. The 'shut up' bit, certainly. Kakashi was too tired to argue with him. A hefty combination of drugs, exhaustion, and healing seals eating his chakra was already tugging him back under the surface of sleep. He was more willing to go this time, now that there was much less risk of waking up dead.

It took Pakkun's help to hook the mask up over his face, which was frankly embarrassing, but the pug settled carefully down on his uninjured shoulder and tucked his small warm body against Kakashi's neck, nose resting against the pulse of his throat. He heaved a faint, contented sigh, blowing hot air over the copy-nin's bruised skin, and Kakashi forgot about Haruichi completely for a moment. It was amazing what being warm and safe could do for your focus, even if you still hurt.

"Glad you're not dead, brat," rumbled Pakkun, finishing the ritual that ended every mission.

Kakashi's fingers twitched enough to scratch the soft fur between his ears. "Hmm," he agreed, eyes closing.

"And you," added Pakkun a little louder, for Haruichi's benefit. "Even if you are a pain in the hindquarters. Could you tell your girl I'd like a blue cape? Maybe with my name on..."

Kakashi snorted softly, and fell asleep before he heard the answer.
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