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Fallen Leaves

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[May. 16th, 2008|08:16 pm]

Burned out? How fast had Haruichi run them home? The last memory Kakashi had was a dizzy impression of breaking apart in leaves while Haruichi had told him to shut up and made him do just that with a handful of delicate green chakra. Haruichi who'd run for twelve hours already, healed Kakashi as much as he could, and half drowned before he could finish. Not to mention cutting down ninja Kakashi could only remember by the feel of their hands, the cadence of their voices, and the oily touch of their chakra. That and the sound of his arm breaking again.

The same arm as Haruichi's, come to think of it.

"And you... say I'm the martyr," managed Kakashi, in a voice like crushed gravel. Questions crowded his mind, each demanding to be said. What had really happened? How long would they be in hospital? How bad off was Haruichi? But the one that finally rasped out of his mouth made Pakkun snort with laughter. "Why do you... have a fiancée?"

Because really, some things were too weird.
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