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[May. 16th, 2008|08:12 pm]
Haruichi had hit some sort of barrier in logic in his erh... discussion with Hoshi and knew he was admitting defeat by glancing away, but couldn't help it. His glance to Kakashi sent a clinical little undertone of 'no, of course I'm not bloody well jealous' darting along the back of his mind and he quashed it pretty quickly by focussing on the hand gesture while Hoshi hit the winch on the bed and propped up the top half even more as she settled in.

Hn. He'd realised. Haruichi glanced to Hoshi, who was busy stealing most of the blankets and pillows, and looked back at Kakashi with his face angled so she couldn't see. "I burned out. I'll be fine." It was the short answer, the only one Kakashi or anyone would ever get from him, but Kakashi had been teammates with Rin-sensei and he'd know... when medics burned out it wasn't quite the same. More than a few from the class Tsunade had trained, his cousin's class, had died from it - but Haruichi hadn't been anywhere near that level of exertion. Obviously, or else it'd be him with the chakra wards plastered over every visible inch of skin - rather than under his shirt, which was where they were right now. Out of Hoshi's sight.
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