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[May. 16th, 2008|08:11 pm]

If it were possible to levitate with pride and glee whilst not actually moving, Pakkun was doing just that. His head came up, his chest puffed out more, fur bristling, and he gave Kakashi a look filled with the nobility of sphinxes. Kakashi moved his right hand very carefully, and poked him gently between the ribs. Pakkun ignored him, too busy grinning. "I get a cape, brat. My own cape! How come you never knit me capes?"

If there was a safe way to answer that, Kakashi didn't know it. He contented himself with a wry look, and watched Haruichi's blush deepen from across the room with a great deal of interest. Apparently the medic wasn't have much success winning his argument.

"Though I have to question her taste," Pakkun continued. "I mean, she dates that guy, she thinks you're pretty..." he sat up, looking thoughtful. "You think she'd let me choose my cape colours? I mean, otherwise I don't know what she'd do! I need to have something suitably heroic."

Kakashi swallowed down something that felt oddly like laughter, and looked at Hoshi with much more interest. If she really did plan to knit Pakkun something, he'd feel safe betting it was going to end up colourful. And apparently Haruichi lived with her, judging by that apartment comment. The surprises just kept on coming.

Which begged the question, why on earth was Haruichi back in ANBU if he had a fiancée to worry about?

Kakashi let that thought slip to one side, not feeling quite awake enough to consider it for long, and lifted his left hand just enough to make an ANBU sign. One that spared his throat. He waited until Haruichi looked at him, and flicked his fingers. You okay? He could see the cast, but thirty hours was a long time. Surely he could have left for home a while back, unless there was something else keeping him here.
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