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[May. 16th, 2008|08:08 pm]
Hoshi couldn't, but Haruichi heard him. He touched her elbow and inclined his head towards the other bed, picking up his good hand and signing the one-handed motion for 'thanks'. Hoshi, who'd been trying on his square-framed glasses (a favourite past-time, whenever she could get her hands on them) turned and looked at Kakashi through the thick lenses, then smiled and waved. She thumbed Haruichi's glasses up to sit in her brightly coloured hair and signed to him, so he could speak to Kakashi for her just a bit.

Haruichi resisted the urge to nab back his glasses and translated for her. "Hoshi says... she's happy you're awake and feeling better and that--" A small sigh of resignation. "--Pakkun-sama did a very good job of looking after both of us and he is a very clever dog." He turned back to Hoshi and rolled his eyes slightly. "You know it was a joint effort, right?" Hoshi didn't miss a beat and signed back to him. Haruichi nearly spluttered. "I am not splitting the paycheck with him! Do you want furniture in the apartment or not?" More signs. A groan, badly suppressed. "Alright, alright. Pakkun, Hoshi says she'll sew you a cape if you'd like. Kakashi, she doesn't know why you're hiding your face because she thinks you're--hey!"

Hoshi's silent laugh lit up her face again and she nudged him in the side and kicked her slippers off while Haruichi's pale face reddened and he did his best to protest in one-handed sign a whole series of things he'd never, ever say outloud.

Pika, for her part, snorted in canine amusement and settled down to sleep.
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