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[May. 16th, 2008|08:04 pm]
A slight wince quirked Haruichi's eyebrow as he watched Kakashi cough, but it didn't turn into anything worse so he didn't worry. He felt Hoshi's fingers squeeze a little tighter, and rubbed the back of her thumb with his gently. She really had been upset about Kakashi, too. It shouldn't have surprised him, and it hadn't, he just hadn't anticipated it and that was the surprise. He'd already been cleaned up, patched up, knocked out and tucked in bed by the time Hoshi had been called to the hospital - she hadn't seen his uniform, his mask, or the blood. Kakashi, though, she'd seen worse for him. Then nobody had come to sit by his bedside, so Hoshi had when she could pry herself over. And Pika had apparently adopted Pakkun or something when she'd come barking and storming outside the ICU, demanding to know where her mistress's idiot man-toy was. It was all getting complicated and confusing and quite loaded up with emotion - which was how Haruichi knew his fiancée was around, he supposed - and what was there to do but bear it with her? He'd made her cry, coming back like this; even if she had a braver face than him now he wouldn't forget that.

"We got back about thirty hours ago," he told him, glancing to the clock over the door. "And you got out of surgery about fifteen hours ago." Another yawn reared up, but Haruichi had to just leave it and let it show, hands occupied or incapacitated that they were. He blinked and realized his glasses had fallen onto the blankets at his lap. "You're going to be fine. The hospital went all out on healing jutsus in the Ward Chamber and accelerated your healing on top of fixing the damage. I tried to get them to surgically remove your martyr complex but alas, it was beyond the powers of modern medicine."

He lifted his cast-bound arm and pointed one finger in Kakashi's direction. "You're to rest in that bed until somebody says stop. If I have to I'll go to the Palace, get it turned into a mission, and bring the order back and tape it to your forehead. Got it?"

Beside him, Hoshi couldn't read Haruichi's lips at that angle and she didn't much need to. She knew what a Haruichi Lecture looked like, and she couldn't help smiling fondly at her Hyuuga and hopping up onto the bed next to him with a wink at Kakashi as she let her legs kick easily over the side. All the talking had finally woken Pika up from the first nap she'd taken since marching into the room, and the blonde dog yapped once at Haruichi to shut the hell up before shaking her fur out and padding over to Kakashi - fixing him with a blatantly assessing stare... before eventually yapping once at him too and wandering back to sprawl happily on the floor in the middle of the room between the feet of the two beds and their occupants.
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