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[May. 11th, 2008|09:35 pm]

Dying, someone had said. Kakashi heard the word undercut by a low double chuckle, and the higher snap of Haruichi's voice. He couldn't make sense of anything but that one word.

He hadn't believed in gods for years, but somewhere in the bleeding mess of his soul, he found the echo of a prayer. One that said: let it be over soon.

He didn't care how it ended anymore, just as long as it ended.

"Wake up, kid!" Pakkun's snarl snapped around the clearing, sharp as a breaking tree limb. His small weight smashed hard into Kakashi's good shoulder, axing pain through him like a hot katana. Kakashi jerked, choking, and tried to roll sideways. Pakkun kept shoving him, small legs digging deep into leaf mulch. Above them, fire scorched the air, lashing down to strike the earth where he'd lain a moment before. A scent like burning ozone and cooking plan matter rose up, bringing black smoke with it. Kakashi's back hit a tree, shredding a new cry from him.

"Watch it, Noburo!" One of the Mist-nin glared at his partner. "We can't get anything from him if you roast him, idiot!"

Noburo spun a kunai in both hands. "We'll get enough from his pipsqueak protector," he answered, and threw both kunai. They ripped through the air towards Haruichi, bringing more flame with them as he called another fire jutsu into existence.

"Dammit, Noburo!"
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