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[May. 11th, 2008|08:02 pm]
Breathing was tiring Haruichi for some reason, the faster he ran the harder it was to keep an even air-flow - his unfamiliarity with the mask and armour coupled with Kakashi's weight pulling on it was the reason. But he kept going, of course, eyes scanning a 360 degree scope around them as he sprang from branch to branch in silence and speed. He had to get them far enough away from the enemy, then he could ease up on the strain of keeping his eyes activated and searching so hard, and he could slow just slightly - enough to ration his remaining energy for the journey home.

Talking hadn't been one of the activities he'd been ready to expend energy on but just the fact that Kakashi was murmuring into his shoulder rather than hanging on his back in silence was evidence enough that he needed to talk or fall unconscious. Until they were out of harm's way Haruichi did not want to be alone in this, so he angled forwards and jumped again, feet skimming a rocky outcrop rather than really gracing it with his weight.

"Because somebody has to be here," he reiterated quietly to Kakashi, catching a suspect flicker out the very farthest corner of his eye and swinging his attention to it. Just a cat. Keep talking. "Sandaime-sama decided you lunatics needed some medical supervision, so here I am." Another deep breath, and still moving fast, a glimpse of Pakkun bounding alongside them above the ground. "Why does it matter?"
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