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[May. 11th, 2008|07:59 pm]

Home. Home would be nice.

Kakashi hung off Haruichi's back, acutely aware how much heavier he was than the slight Hyuuga. It probably wasn't a lot--he had at least five inches in height, but a mission that seemed determined to burn up all his resources had probably dropped his weight--but carrying someone that weighed the same as you was hard enough without lugging around extra. And Haruchi had run twelve hours to get here, poured his chakra into healing what he could, and nearly gotten drowned for his troubles.

At least the water had done one decent thing. Without the scent of his own blood clouding up his senses, Kakashi could actually get a better idea of what--or who--were around them. Haruichi was the main thing he could smell, mostly because the man's hair was right next to his nose, and hair gathered scent more than anything else. But beneath that was the lingering trace of Mist-nin, fading now.

They were still close.

Kakashi hooked his unbroken arm across Haruchi's chest, just under the base of his throat, and wrapped his fingers around an armour strap, holding on as best he could. It wasn't much. He closed his eyes without meaning to, wincing as the Hyuuga's swift pace jarred injuries. He knew Haruichi was moving a smoothly as he could, but when your insides didn't flex so much as crunch that didn't mean a whole lot.

Twelve more hours. He had to hold on twelve more hours. Haruichi had to run twelve more hours.

Maybe if they were very lucky he'd pass out halfway.

Kakashi dropped his head onto Haruichi's shoulder, resting his hot forehead against soaked fabric, feeling the ridge of an unbroken bone pressing into his skin. He focused on that. "You still haven't told me why you're back," he murmured, searching for something else to keep himself in the real world.
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