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[May. 11th, 2008|07:56 pm]
Haruichi tipped his masked face at Kakashi, "If I die doing this I'll have used you as a human shield first, so I'm sure you'll do worse than just that," he retorted smoothly, smirking as he reached over and gripped Kakashi's arm to pull him up to his feet. A few more tugs and levers of gangly limbs and scrawny Hyuuga shoulders and Haruichi had Kakashi's weight more or less distribued best he could be. They got to the entranceway, the width of which had been substantially increased by the floodwaters, and Haruichi focussed his Byakugan with the fresh, artificially boosted chakra slipping through his body. Water from his soaking hair flicked into his wide open eye and he blinked. The air was still, all the world seemingly drowned and dripping but nothing more. The smell of water and dirt and stone was strong, but Haruichi barely noticed it - all his attention paid to the visuals of their surroundings.

Chakra and human forms. Chakra and human forms. They'd hide one or the other, not both. They didn't know he was a Hyuuga, they didn't even know he was here. So far as the Mist nins out there were concerned their prey was a sole Konoha nin who'd probably died of his injuries already in some hole or tree-top. So far as Haruichi was concerned they could carry on under that misapprehension, but if they tried to put another scratch on Kakashi he'd have them vomiting a tasteful slush composed of their internal organs.

He sourced four chakra sources, south of their position and moving away in a familiar search pattern. Haruichi shifted and tensed his grip on Kakashi's legs, feeling his torn nail bed swell a new trickle of blood at the movement. The finger stung, but not much more. Adrenaline. Focussed awareness. He couldn't find anybody else. It didn't mean they weren't there.

We're going home. I have to punch Genma. Hoshi's waiting. I want some coffee.

"Home soon," he whispered to Kakashi, and took off into the twilight - silent, swift and leaving nothing, not even muddied tracks, behind.
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