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[May. 11th, 2008|07:54 pm]

Kakashi let go of Pakkun to take the pill with clumsy fingers, and gave Haruichi's mask a blank look. "That's your plan?" he asked finally, in the hangman's tone of one hoping it was going to be different in the second hearing, but without any real faith it would be. "That's not even a semi-plan, that's a slow way to commit suicide."

"I like it," said Pakkun, oddly cheerful. "Simple, direct, doesn't involve dying in a hole underground... what's not to love? Though asking Hatake-brat not to backchat is like asking the world to spin backwards."

Kakashi took the pill, swallowing it with a wince and a tiny gasp as the surge of chakra kicked him right in the coils. "I don't backchat, I provide much needed colour commentary. There's a subtle difference. And that's still not a plan."

Pakkun snorted. "Unless you can think of anything better, I suggest you put up, shut up, and thank the nice medic for trying to drag your complaining ass back home. If I was him I'd leave you in the... what'd you call it, kid? Crypt."

The copy-nin attempted to shove himself up on his left arm, locking his elbow to brace himself. "That's because you're a wonderful ray of sunshine," he muttered. "Sane people don't dance and sing when they get to watch people kill themselves trying to play hero."

Pakkun's tongue lolled out as he smiled a wide dog-grin, teeth showing. "You can compose him a pretty eulogy when you get home. Now shuddup before I remind him of his threat to slap you."

Kakashi sighed, then he looked up at Haruichi's mask again. "If you die doing this, I'm going to mock you forever and ever."
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