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[May. 11th, 2008|07:51 pm]
Well, that was touching. Haruichi only half listened to Pakkun and Kakashi, preoccupied as he was with saving all three of their lives (or getting to it, at least), but it had him think for just a moment that when he got home all he was going to get from his dog was a bite in the leg.

Then he realized he'd just thought of Pika as 'his' dog and actually did bury his face in his hand for just a second. Bloody sentimental canines. He finished emptying what he could and should from the satchel, and yanked out the thermal blanket and some soldier pills. Downing two of the pills dry (he'd swallowed enough water to go with them, he was quite sure) he held one for Kakashi and stuffed the waterproofed pouch containing two more into his pocket.

"Of course I've got a plan. It's fantastic, I formulated it during those two and a half seconds I had before we started to drown," Haruichi scrambled quickly over the rock, looked down at Kakashi and Pakkun and then slid his chipped mask back over his face. The only colour on it, the small green cross under the left eye, was nearly invisible given the weak saturation of chemical light. "I'm going to piggyback you back to Konoha - running faster than I have ever run in my life - and you are going to refrain from indulging in any of your particularly highbrow brand of backchat, lapses into temporary insanity or dying of shock or bloodloss." Haruichi knelt down and wrapped the thermal blanket around Kakashi's torso, the better to keep some heat in - though he had to turn the muted side out. He passed Kakashi the soldier pill, and knowing he couldn't see him, smiled just slightly behind his mask. "I'm not worried though."
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