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[May. 11th, 2008|07:48 pm]

Pakkun snorted and tripped delicately around the medic to tuck himself against Kakashi's neck and lick his nose. "Firstly," announced the pug to mid-air as the copy-nin relaxed, "he taught me how to talk, so I would technically get it all from him. Which makes it your fault," he added in an undertone to Kakashi. "And secondly, I like this getting out of here plan. It has punch. I vote we go with that one."

Kakashi's current viewpoint mostly involved the underside of Pakkun's furry jaw, and the vague sense of a whole lot of mortification happening somewhere to his left. Why Haruichi was embarrassed, he had no idea. He didn't much care, either. As long as Haruichi had the continued ability to be embarrassed, then he probably wasn't about to keel over any time soon.

At that point Kakashi stopped thinking about Haruichi because Pakkun was here and he was alive and everything else could wait for at least eight seconds while he felt relieved. He dragged his one good arm up and wrapped numb fingers around the back of the little dog's neck, sensitive pads slipping through wet fur. "You're not my fault," he mumbled quietly, "You're messed up in your own very special way."

Pakkun's narrow chest puffed out. "And don't you forget it, brat."

Kakashi laughed a raw-throated chuckle, wincing as the sound dragged his voice into a cough. "You have a plan?" he asked Haruichi when he could breathe again. "Or are we winging it and hoping?"
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