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[May. 11th, 2008|07:30 pm]
The first thing to go was his ability to kick any higher than a few inches at a time, the suck of the water's invisible currents too strong to fight, and the next thing to go was the Byakugan - his concentration shattered by the strain of working his chakra-clinging feet and hand against the slick rock and vicious undertow. Haruichi's slender physique wasn't built for stamina and it wasn't built for massive muscular exertions either, but he kept Kakashi balanced against the water's flow and kept his soaking gray-haired head above water and it was enough. It was enough.

A cold rush of air, a roar that went through all of him and not just his ears, and then a swell of water that dwarfed the rest of them slammed the pair of them against the wall and closed over their heads before Haruichi could inhale. Both men were crushed and pulled by the water and without a free arm to compensate, the Hyuuga's body was whipped round - crashing his head against the wall and knocking the air from his lungs and sense from his mind.

Sparks of pain flew behind his eyes in colours suddenly glimmering sluggishly in orange and purple and blue. There was a consuming silence under the black water, just the sensation of water rushing the same way you could feel your own pulse in your ears.

Regret it yet?

He hadn't even told her he was going.

Haruichi's feet suddenly pushed, his arm straining, fingers too cold to feel the nailbed he'd just ripped out his ring finger scrabbling up the rock with chakra burning too frantic through his palm and soles as hard as the cold water was dragging back against them. Higher. Higher. High--

"--ah!" Haruichi's green-lit wrist was in air, Kakashi's face, his own, he gasped a breath and coughed hot water, nearly got them both pulled under again before his hand smacked into a rough protrusion in the rock and stuck there. His feet were torn free, but his arm was across Kakashi's chest, pinning him against him so his face was up to the water too, and his hand was the only thing holding them up. Haruichi coughed more water, his eyes feeling hot and glassed as he blinked filthy water away - as though it was the source of the monumental headache spreading from the side of his face. They had a foot and a half of air left, and Haruichi couldn't tell if the turbulent water level was rising any longer.

"Kakashi!" he coughed, trying to check, make sure he was still alive even if it'd only be for a minute or two longer.
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