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[Jun. 11th, 2008|08:10 pm]

Tsume stood in the clouds dispersing from the translocation and looked at the two sentries who were still babbling and stuttering about reports and injuries and ANBU. Raidou was gone. Genma was gone. All the scents that had been triggering the memories had vanished. She pulled her mask off and hung it on her belt, breathing deeply of the fresh air.

Exhaustion set in. She lowered her chin, staring at the ninja from under her eyebrows, and walked straight forward. Translocating was too tiring. Her chakra pill had long since worn off, and she was beginning to tremble.

"Wait," one of the sentries said, and both moved to block her path. "Who's going to fill out reports?"

Their only answer was a lip-lifted snarl from Tsume and the snap of bone-white teeth from Kuromaru. Both sentries backed off in a rush, and the two ANBU walked through the gates unmolested.
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