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[Jun. 11th, 2008|08:01 pm]

Raidou often took pride in being a logical man, but right now logic was hard. He gasped, failing to catch his breath once again, and looked at the two doors. Right--his own. Left--Genma's. His room was his, and he wanted to be home, but Genma was right.

Genma was always right, damn him.

Raidou grunted and forced himself to stand upright. "'kay," he gritted, forcing the words past teeth that ached from grinding them, and stepped towards Genma's door.

In the end he had to set the man down to get Genma's key and shape his own hands the right way to cancel the seals Genma had laid--that every ninja laid--to protect his home. It stole the last flecks of chakra he had left to spare, spinning the world grey. He didn't have the energy to pick Genma up again, even when he finally got the door open.

In the end it took everything Raidou had to catch his friend under the arms, drag him through into his apartment, kick the door closed, slap a paper seal over it, strip the armour from both of them, and crash down on double bed.

By the time he was done, Genma was already asleep. Raidou wrapped an arm around him, tugging the man close, and shut his eyes. He could breathe. He didn't have to run. No one could snatch Genma away without taking Raidou with him.

Finally he could sleep.

"Hope you have clean sheets," he mumbled, and fell away from the world.
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