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[Jun. 11th, 2008|07:55 pm]

"My bed's bigger," Genma slurred, barely able to manage the muscular effort to form words. Any other motion besides the involuntary functions of respiration and circulation were lost to him, in a body shutting down with chakra depletion. His bed was bigger, and maybe Raidou would agree to that. "Don' leave m' 'lone," he added, as much afraid for Raidou as himself. If he was this depleted, how much worse must Raidou be after that run? You didn't leave a man alone when he was down. "No medics," he added. "Sleep."

He wondered if any of his instructions were even making it through to Raidou, who carried him over his shoulder, past the mission desk where Raidou signed the two of them back in, and up in the elevator to the quiet halls of the third floor. Raidou staggered and nearly fell against the wall, stopping in front of a pair of doors Genma knew were their own.

"My bed," he said again, in a voice no more than a whisper. "Bigger. Sleep."
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