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[Jun. 11th, 2008|07:43 pm]

"...I hate when he does that," Raidou said to no one in particular, too tired to be appropriately angry. He watched the sentries flap for another minute, squawking about procedure and ANBU and injuries, and turned his back on them. They were chuunin, maybe genin, they weren't ANBU. They didn't know.

He looked at Tsume, exhausted to the core of himself, and tapped two fingers against the spiral mark tattooed into his scarred shoulder. A salute. "Be safe," he rasped, with the barest curve of a smile. He nodded at Kuromaru, and translocated back to HQ.

Genma was sprawled by the front door. He was still breathing, still conscious. Raidou crouched next to him, shaking away the head-swimming vestiges of translocation-dizziness, and did what he always did when Genma fell over--picked him up.

It hurt. Raidou didn't waver.

"C'mon, idiot. Home's upstairs." He staggered towards the doors. "Think you're crashing at mine tonight."
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