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[Jun. 10th, 2008|12:08 am]

"I'll cooperate," Genma said in a low, nearly toneless voice. He stared at his bandaged leg, at the blood drying at the edges to a deep burgundy, still fresh scarlet in the center of the stain that shouldn't have been so wide. "Since you bit me, you can carry me. It's only fair," he said, mustering up a combination of stoicism and bravado he didn't really feel.

He wondered if somehow Kuromaru's bite and his and Raidou's repeated assaults on the injured area had managed to break open one of the smaller superficial arteries. The femoral artery was out of the question, too deeply buried, and if it had been hit he'd have been faint with much more severe blood loss than this, or possibly dead already, but something was keeping this wound bleeding despite a fairly tight bandage and a decent span of time since the injury occurred.

Kuromaru shifted under him in a way entirely unlike the motion of a horse or Hoshi, his largest rat, and Genma swayed, grabbing a handful of black fur on Kuromaru's ruff for balance. Gripping with his thighs just made the wound burn and the stain grow.

Raidou was right. He needed to rebandage it. "Rai," he said softly. "Grab me out a compression bandage."
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