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[Jun. 8th, 2008|07:25 am]

Sometimes mercy was a cold thing. "Not yet," said Raidou, locking down the impulse to do as Genma asked. He eased up a fraction, making sure his friend could breathe, and carried him to Kuromaru. The dog was standing, head thrown back, ears pricked up. On his hind legs, Raidou was fairly certain Kuromaru would stand taller than any of them. He was easily strong enough to carry Genma.

"Stay still," Raidou told him, and shifted his grip to settle Genma down onto the summon's broad back. He didn't let go, even when Genma's weight rested in the slight dip behind Kuromaru's sharp shoulders. "Will you stay? Or do I really have to knock you out and lash you down? Because I don't want to do that, but I will."

Raidou wanted to go home, the desire was almost overwhelming. He was done fighting the people he shouldn't have to.
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