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[Jun. 8th, 2008|07:09 am]

The choke-hold was enough to stop Genma's breath, and that was enough to stop his struggles. Pain was a surprising thing when it mixed with adrenaline. You could run for miles on a shattered ankle, feeling only a mild ache when your fight or flight system overrode the pain. Or something relatively minor--like a fist to a dog bite on the thigh--could incapacitate you, because you'd drained yourself down to nothing fighting and fleeing already, and your nervous system had nothing more to give to gate the pain.

Genma clawed at Raidou's arm, gagging and gasping as the air was choked out of him. His eyes showed whites all around, teeth bared, but it was his leg that had most of his attention, throbbing with a sick insistence that dragged his awareness down to a few cubic centimeters of macerated flesh.

He stopped fighting, sagging in Raidou's grasp. A part of himself stood outside it, watching the situation with alarm. Wolf-Tsume circled warily, ears still flat against her head, and Kuromaru stared disdainfully. The worst of it was Raidou, though. Raidou having to restrain the man who was supposed to be leading this mission. The shame alone could have choked Genma, even without Raidou's forearm crushing his larynx.

"Let me go," he rasped. "Just let me go."
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