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[Jun. 7th, 2008|11:58 pm]

"Easy," said Raidou, voice pitched at a level somewhere between calm and casual. Not a command, just a buddy talking to a buddy. He jerked his head at the clone, forcing it to back up a little. "Make yourself useful, funny me, and pull up some proper light. Nice and bright."

The clone nodded and stepped back, giving Genma some room. Its hands blurred, working neatly through seals. Chakra shifted, pulling out of Raidou with a little jerk that made him twitch. It held its hands in the air, palm up. White light gathered, soft at first, like a dim bulb, then it strengthened. Between one blink and the next, the hallway was filled with brightness. The shadows gone.

Raidou blinked, very aware he'd just fried his night vision, and focused on his friend. The brighter light washed out the colour, leaving them all as white as their masks. But even with that Genma looked unnaturally pale, eyes wide and dark; pupils blown out when they should be constricted. Shaking worse than he had been. He was stuck underground, buried in rock with bloody hands. It didn't take much imagination to figure out why he was having issues, even without Kimura's jutsu stacked on top.

Raidou leaned forward and caught him under the elbow, steadying him carefully. "I realize you're not a fan of my clone, but mind letting me help? It's sorta my job, y'know." He smiled slightly, a real smile, for all that it was tired. "Besides, I can't get you back for using medical comebacks on me if you're not staying with me, and I really need to get you back. That was definitely unfair, loverboy. A lesser man would even call it cheating."
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