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[Jun. 7th, 2008|08:57 pm]

"That," said Raidou, with great feeling, "is completely disgusting. And I've seen people set on fire." Which was not actually a memory he wanted to re-live either. He pulled a face and set his sights on the dark corridor, trying not to pay attention to the squishing, slurping sounds behind his back. The sharp little snap as Genma cut through what had to be the second optic nerve.

Raidou cracked a second glo-stick and tossed it down the tunnel, obliterating any shadows for an enemy to hide in. Blood drips smeared over the floor caught his eye, but a second's study dismissed them as cast-off from Genma's leg wound. He looked beyond that to dry stone, and tried to meditate on concrete.

A shift of movement behind him pulled his attention back to Genma just as the man lifted Kimura's second eyeball free, dripping gelatinous blood and some sort of viscous fluid. Raidou gritted his teeth as his stomach cramped, mouth flooding with saliva. He was an ANBU, and ANBU didn't throw up over a minor amputation. Not even when their heads were still full of broken images kicking up old memories. Battlefields where crows feasted on carrion, ripping eyes out of faces that were far too familiar...

Oh, definitely going to be sick.

He gagged, shoved his kunai away, slapped his hands together long enough to call a clone into existence, and gasped, "Be right back." Then he staggered out into the hallway to throw up everything he'd eaten since childhood.
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