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[Jun. 7th, 2008|08:17 pm]


"Makes you think, really." Raidou said, shifting to put himself between the exit and Genma. "When a woman turning into a dog almost qualifies as normal." 'Almost' being the operative word. He glanced up the tunnel, but Tsume and Kuromaru were already lost in the gloom. "Maybe it makes her feel safer. S'gotta be reassuring to be able to rip off a guy's arm in one bite."

He spun the kunai in his hands, reassuring himself with their presence, and looked down at the corpse on the floor. Kimura was splayed on his back, belly ripped open. One arm shredded from Kuromaru's teeth, the other stretched out, grasping for something. Silver had cooled over his face like a rich muzzle. "Not that he'd agree."

Raidou flicked a look at his partner, relieved Genma wasn't arguing about the leg thing. He inhaled another menthol-laced breath, forbidding himself to throw up and ruin his veneer of ANBU efficiency. Instead he focused, splitting his attention between the caves and the enemy he was almost completely convinced was dead. "And I'm fine. The glo-stick makes everyone look green. How're you doing?"
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