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[Jun. 7th, 2008|07:28 pm]

Tsume relaxed slightly when no one's eyes lingered on her overlong. "If you've got him covered, then," she said to Raidou, nodding at their medic, "we'll clear the path." It got her away from there. Out of the caves, if they worked fast enough. She desperately wanted to be out of the caves.

A soldier pill fell into her hand easily, and she slid it into her mouth, crunching down with her molars and feeling the heady rush of too much chakra--enough, since her own wasn't depleted, to burn her system out if she didn't use it. She let go of Kuromaru, whipping through seals and feeling the familiar whirlwind of chakra between them, the pop and snap as her body shifted, twisting into something completely unlike human.

Her wolf senses were sharper, and with the missing nin dead she didn't have to worry about anyone trapping her in this body through injury.

Men didn't rape wolves. That was an entirely different sort, and not one she'd ever come across. But that wasn't why she changed. It wasn't. It hadn't happened. It didn't matter.

Dropping her nose to the ground, Kuromaru's solid bulk to one side, she turned and slunk off into the shadows to find their way out.

She'd send Kuromaru back in for the men, while she found a place to camp.
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