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[May. 31st, 2008|04:02 am]

"Nothing serious," Genma answered. He felt torn, with his attention divided. Tsume and Kuromaru in the doorway, obviously not alright. Raidou there next to him, also not quite right. Himself, with his leg blazing every time he put weight on it, and that being the anchor that kept him from slipping back into Kimura's hand-crafted nightmares. They needed to get the hell out of these tunnels, where it was dark and smelled like a grave. Like a prison cell where men had been tortured. Genma took a deep breath, inhaling eucalyptus in a pungent wave that made his eyes water. "Hah. Kuromaru bit me to break the genjutsu before. It's not that bad. We need to get out of here."

Tsume had asked something. What she should do. They all needed to get out of here. "Tsume, you and Kuromaru go make sure there's a clear path to the exit." He took another breath. Crisp, astringent, minty smells overpowering the blood and feces reek of Kimura's remains. "I just have to collect what we came for." It was almost hard to breathe. Almost. Almost felt like his ribs were still broken and his hands were in splinters and...

Leg. Bleeding. Dog bite. That was the thing that was real. Genma's left hand was clawed against the bite, digging viciously into the wounded flesh. He panted through clenched teeth. "Tsume, go. Raidou, are you good to watch my back?"
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