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[May. 26th, 2008|11:18 am]

"Nothing's wrong with Raidou," Raidou grunted, forcing himself to sit up. He couldn't quite manage to let go of his face, but he did steal some of the strong-smelling goo Genma was waving around. A thin streak under his nose was enough to send menthol fumes right up into his sinuses, blocking out the scent of everything else. He blinked as his eyes watered, trying to keep his vision clear. "Raidou's have a fucking brilliant day."

Tsume was back, hovering behind her dog. Even through blurry vision he could see the tension rippling through her. Directed at anyone else, it wouldn't be a problem, but there was no one left to kill. He looked lower, at Kuromaru's blood-stained fangs bared in something that wasn't a smile.

Well, that wasn't good.

Raidou pushed himself up into an unsteady crouch, bracing himself against the old barrel at his back. He glanced at Kimura again, but unless the man had the ability to fight on with half his intestines missing, he was probably staying down. But there had been other men--

No. Genjutsu.

Raidou winced, trying to fix himself in the real world, and glanced at Genma. He could see his friend's face now. "So how's everyone el--what's wrong with your leg?"
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