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[Apr. 10th, 2008|05:57 am]

And now he was wet again. Raidou scowled and shook himself off with less vigour then the dog, avoiding the fire. He picked up the two mugs and set them aside to stew, out of range from giant paws and people not watching what they were doing. Then he had a look at the hares, careful not to touch them--he didn't know a great deal about Inuzuka and their dogs, he didn't work with them much, but he definitely knew something about hunters being protective of prey. One scrap between teammates was enough for one day. They could snarl at each other tomorrow when they each had someone to step in for them.

Setting that slightly bizarre logic to one side, Raidou went back to his pack, dug a well-folded blanket out, and walked over to crouch next Kuromaru. "Don't bite me for this," he said, and draped the blanket around the dog's heavy shoulders, before giving him a quick, rough rub-down. His muscles tensed slightly in preparation for a snap. The cave stank of wet dog. "Your lady will be fine," she had damn well better be, "how about we stop you from playing canine-icicle before she gets back?"

You could dislike your teammates all you wanted, just as long as you didn't forget what was important.
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