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[Apr. 10th, 2008|05:55 am]

"Do you actually think she would have let us stop her?" Genma asked, hunching over the hot pack Raidou had left in his hands when Kuromaru showered them with his shake. Raidou himself dodged quick as the shadows from his nascent flames to protect the fire from being doused, flinching at the icy water that spattered his broad shoulders and back.

Genma pulled out a pocket watch, snapping the cover open and holding it so Kuromaru could see it. "She left at 18:26. It's 18:43 now. I told her she had three hours and if she wasn't back by then we were going after her." He sighed and his brow creased in a slight scowl. "I don't exactly like it either, but you know as well as I do that scent trail won't last in this weather. And we can't afford to lose our quarry.""

He watched the dog struggle with Tsume's uniform for a moment, then moved to help, hanging the clothing so that it could absorb the heat of the flames.

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