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[Apr. 10th, 2008|05:51 am]

One glance at the cave showed a complete lack of his human. Kuromaru dropped the rabbits into a pool at his feet, ignoring the blood one leaked slowly from a tooth puncture. Red slid down a crack in the rock, catching along his talons and soaking slowly into his fur. His head dipped threateningly, sniffing as he peered into the corners.

Then he smelled her blood. He eyed the men, lingering over Raidou, and stalked to her bundle of clothes, searching out the blood- and chakra-laden bandages. A good sniff gave him the information he needed, and he looked up at the two men huddled in the corner near the fire. "You let her leave?" he yeowled, whipping back around to stare out at the storm. "In that?" He stalked to the door, sticking his head out into the sleet and sniffing briefly.

There was, of course, no sign of her. He backed inside again and shook, hard, sending water droplets flying from his heavy coat. He whined once, circling around to sniff her things, turning to look out the crevasse again. Then, with a final keen that turned into a whuff halfway through, he scooped the rabbits up in his jaw and took them over to the fire, dropping them on the stone.

The fur around his muzzle was lightly frosted over, tiny icicles hanging from his jaw. He left the rabbits for the humans and turned back to Tsume's things, pawing through her pack until he could carefully tug her spare set of clothing free. Despite the fact that they were dry, he took them to the stone the other clothes were laying on and gently draped them nearby, pulling his lips off his teeth in his attempt to delicately place them flat.

He growled at them when, no matter how he tugged, wrinkles persisted. It wasn't always easy not having hands.
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