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[Apr. 6th, 2008|06:25 am]

Raidou knew where his place in the mission ranked without Genma having to say it. He needed to keep pace, hit people until they died, and stop his teammates from taking similar hits. Simple, really. He was content to let Genma handle the rest, trusting his friend's ability to plan and lead. That was sort of the definition of teamwork, really.

In his own head Raidou was already ordering his levels of importance; Genma was first; he was a field medic, and of the three of them, the least adept at taijutsu, which made him vulnerable to a physical attack if he took a hit that damaged his hands. A ninjutsu-user without their ninjutsu was an easy kill. Tsume was second, her abilities made her much less expendable. Her dog was third for exactly the same reason--animals and summons would always be worth just a shade less then people. And Raidou came last. Of the four of them, the simple cold truth was that he was the most replaceable. That was not a thought he ever let bother him.

He eyed Tsume and her dog again, eyes flicking from her grin to his bared teeth. Something itched under his skin for his moment, a little twist in his chest. Raidou knocked the feeling to the back of his mind.

"There's some stuff that needs eating at my place," he said with a one-shouldered shrug, pushing himself away from the wall. "I need to give my kit a last check over, then I'm good to go. You're welcome to help clear out my fridge," he added, with a second glance at Tsume and Kuromaru.

It really was important to start a mission with a new partner--partners--on the right note.
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