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[Apr. 6th, 2008|06:04 am]

"No vomit. Got it," Tsume said with a bland little smile. Then Genma's eyes flicked up, and his scent warmed for just a moment. Shifting quick as chemistry from relaxed, to relaxed and pleased as he gave a tiny little lip-quirk to Raidou.

Tsume's gaze switched between them. She sniffed inaudibly. Namiashi didn't have the same heat to his scent that Genma did, but it didn't mean much. Just that he wasn't as horny. Or as aware that there was an accessible body.

One of her eyebrows climbed. She grinned at Raidou, and hooked her thumb toward Kuromaru. "I have my special gear."

"You mean I have my special gear," Kuromaru corrected, picking his head up to look at her out of lazy light eyes.

"Whatever, mutt," she shot back, picking her arms up from their sprawl across the nearby seats and cracking her knuckles.

"That'll give you arthritis."

"And your diet gives you gas, but you don't hear me complain." Tsume pushed to her feet, grinning down at Genma, then up at Namiashi.

Not quite his chin. More like his throat. Flea-breeding crotchticks. "Got anything needs to be done before we hunt?" Her smile was just a little more feral. Kuromaru stood up, head dropping predator-low, lips pulling off his teeth as he panted. Pupils dilated until there was only the faint shine of yelow iris around them.

Tsume grinned at him. His tail twitched once in response.
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