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[Mar. 7th, 2008|07:31 am]

"Go," Genma said, and didn't wait for Ryouma to stop talking before he swung into action. "We have to move now. Hospital's just gonna strip 'em anyway and it's not that far." Thank gods for that. Someone, maybe the Shodai Hokage, for all Genma knew, had had the foresight when laying out the important buildings in Konoha to put ANBU HQ less than a full block from the hospital. Perhaps that spoke more about the job than any of the ANBU really wanted to hear.

Raidou could carry Kakashi cradle style or over his shoulder or however the hell he pleased, and if he needed help he could pop up his own clone. One glance at Ryouma was enough to tell Genma there would be no walking the rookie between himself and a clone. No the kid was about to nosedive, and there was no time to keep fucking around here. What the hell had Kakashi been thinking? Ryouma was pale, shaking, sheened in cold sweat, breathing way too fast. He was already way over the line as far as shock went, and if he was on a soldier pill crash on top of it... "How the fuck many pills did you have in the last twelve hours? Stay with me rookie, answer me," Genma said. Had to get moving, had to move now.

The clone helped him get Ryouma up on his back, where Genma could feel his shaking all the more obviously. "Don't you dare have a seizure or stroke out on me here, kid. You got that? Stay with me. How many pills?" He was out the door and running already, with his clone at his tail to keep Ryouma on his back if he started to slip. Hoped to gods Raidou kept up. Not that that mattered.

Stupid rookies. Weren't the senior guys like Kakashi supposed to keep shit like this from happening?
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